Part 5: Day One- Page 4
Thesaya posted:
Look for a light, turn it on.
>turn on light
You can't see any such thing.
>look for light
(in the filing cabinets)
You don't find anything filed under that heading.
No need to get frustrated.
Drone posted:
Try different syntax for looking to see if you have a file. Stuff like:
>look up self
>look up Carter in files
>search files
>look for self
(in the filing cabinets)
You don't find anything filed under that heading.
Ghostwoods posted:
We invented our surname, didn't we?
How about look up michael?
Or look up house?
>look for michael
(in the filing cabinets)
As you search in vain for some mention of your husband's name, it dawns on you that the property is most likely listed under the family's original, ancestral name. Which, you realize with some embarrassment, you've completely forgotten.
>look up house
(in the filing cabinets)
As you search in vain for some mention of your husband's name, it dawns on you that the property is most likely listed under the family's original, ancestral name. Which, you realize with some embarrassment, you've completely forgotten.
Interesting. I've never read this response before.
Old Grey Guy posted:
>close window (with umbrella if needed)
>look at door / doorway
>listen at door
>close window
You close the transom window.
>look through doorway
You needn't worry about that.
That's not a verb I recognise.
Well, Miranda can just waltz right in, then.

Pallid gray light trickles in through the drawn blinds. The office is deserted, papers still scattered across the top of the desk. The front door lies west, and the file room lies east.
Sitting on the corner of the paper-strewn desk are a telephone and an answering machine.
Someone seems to have left a cup of coffee sitting out, half-finished and cold.
Oh boy! Stuff!
>take all
You'll have to be more specific about which objects you mean.
Son of a...
>look at door
You can make out the words "tsruhkcarB & nosneB" stenciled across the glass. There is a latch on this side which can be turned to lock or unlock the door.
Miranda may want to leave at some point.
>unlock door
You unlock the office door.
>look at papers
Sifting through the paperwork, you find nothing that catches your attention.
>look at telephone
It's just an ordinary-looking telephone.
>look at answering machine
A simple answering machine, with a small display indicating messages received, a button labeled "PLAY", and a button labeled "DELETE".
>look at coffee

Muddy-looking and unappetizing. Who knows how long it's been sitting out?
Oh, you're comming with me, Coffee.
>take coffee
You pick up the styrofoam cup. In the styrofoam cup is some cold, murky coffee.
>take phone
You start to dial out, but you can't get anything but a busy signal no matter how much you jiggle the receiver. Frustrated, you hang up.
If allowed, Miranda would have disconected the cable and stuffed the receaver into her coat. I guess my vission of out heroine is different from the author who, by the by, based her on his wife.
>take machine
You're not here to burglarize the place.
Yes I am!
Alright, what now? Put your suggestions in Bold, please.